Then out of nowhere, I had contractions 5-7 minutes apart for 2 hours. I saw the doctor the next day. He said the baby is at a station 0 which means he is really low and is engaged in my pelvis. He said there are a lot of women who go into labor at 40 weeks and they have to push their baby to station 0 because the baby is so high. So basically that means when the time comes, I will have less pushing to do which is great. BUT, he also thought it meant that I was going to go early since I was only 34 1/2 weeks along when this happened. He put me on bed rest for a little while to ward off labor. It has been almost 2 weeks since then YAY! I turn 37 weeks on Thursday which is technically full-term and can officially deliver at Family Beginnings on April 8th. We aren't hoping that I go into labor early, but we are praying that we at least wait until the 8th.
So the last couple weeks after I got off bed rest has been work, doctor's appointments, chiropractor's appointments, eat and sleep. Very busy!! But, it will all be worth it soon. I can't wait to meet our little one!!
All that being said, it might be a while before I am able to post again. I really wanted to finish first impression reviews of all the cloth diapers, but I just don't think that is going to happen. I will do my best, and I hope you all stay tuned!!
I was wondering if you had the baby, hadn't seen you on here for a while~ I'll be thinking about you~ Kim
Wonder how you are doing! Also did you ever get my package?!! Have a nice day, Kim
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