After a little while, I tried going back to cloth. The first couple days were great, but then those rashes started to come back plus my diapers were getting stinky. I figured the only thing I hadn't tried was stripping like crazy so I did that, and they were still producing rashes and stink. So I gave up. I know, can you believe I just said that!
As winter passed I was getting more and more irritated using and spending money on disposables. I hated the smell in my utility room (believe it or not, for me disposables smell lingers more), and I hated that I was hurting our planet. Even though I was using Seventh Generation diapers (better footprint), I still felt like it was unnecessary. The only thing I liked was saving a small amount of time on laundry (here enters the lazy).
Finally, it started to get warmer outside. I decided I was going to take Hunter backpacking this spring, summer, and fall. I got this awesome Kelty Kids baby backpack that I was so excited about. When I started doing that, I started feeling like I had been lazy all winter and maybe hadn't tried everything that I could have to make my cloth diapering experience successful.
So...I decided to try one last thing. We have really hard water so I had been using Rockin' Green Hard Rock detergent, and I loved it. BUT...I decided for the cloth diapers it wasn't quite enough. I started experimenting with adding some Calgon water softener to my diaper loads. WAHLAH! So far, the Calgon has been helping tremendously. We will see how it goes, but I have my fingers crossed that it will continue to do the trick!
I am so thankful that I didn't just give up totally. I wasn't able to breastfeed like I had wanted since Hunter couldn't breathe and swallow correctly, instead he would just end up chewing mommy up. So I felt that I really needed to hold on to something that I had wanted to do since pregnancy. I am so glad that this seems like it is going to work out for us from here on out. I needed it to feel successful with Hunter! (Although, I REALLY hope I can breastfeed with the next one!)
So hopefully the "lazyzilla" is gone.
Since it has been a while, I have posted lots of new pics of Hunter on the photo page. Lots of updating to do!
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